Wen moon
Wen moon is common cryptocurrency slang referring to an anticipated or desired rise in a cryptocurrency’s value.
What Does Wen Moon Mean in Crypto?
Wen moon – a deliberate misspelling of the question “when moon?” – is a playful way to ask when a specific cryptocurrency’s value might experience a significant price increase and, metaphorically, “go to the moon.”
Depending on the context, it can be seen as a way of seeking validation for one’s investment or an expression of desperation. It can also express uncertainty about when a cryptocurrency, already on an uptrend, will reach its peak value.
Of course, like most bits of crypto slang, the phrase is arguably most often used ironically on social media platforms and group chats. Indeed a degen investor might use the phrase about a shitcoin or other token with little chance for investment return.
For example, a cryptocurrency buyer or holder may tweet:
- “I just bought some dogecoin, wen moon?”
- “BTC has been doing well lately. Wen moon?”
- “Wen moon? ‘Cause the crypto prices are stuck and I’m getting weak hands to continue HODLing.”
Where Did When Moon Come From?
In online investment circles, the phrases “to the moon” or “mooning” are used to describe a cryptocurrency or asset experiencing a strong upward trend. While the origin of “wen moon” in crypto is hard to determine, it’s widely believed to have become popular sometime in 2017, as Bitcoin saw a major price increase, and the term “to the moon” gained traction in crypto.
A common derivation or offshoot of this expression is the term “wen lambo.” Wen lambo is slang for inquiring when a crypto holder will be rich enough, from the crypto’s price rising, to afford a Lamborghini.