What Is A Crypto Wallet Address?

Blockcahin on a grey background
—  A crypto wallet address is a unique string of characters that allows users to interact with the blockchain.

—  Since wallet addresses are long and difficult to read and record, it’s easy to make mistakes when transacting. If a mistake is made, the funds are likely lost permanently.

—  Ensuring the accuracy of crypto wallet addresses is crucial but can be challenging, making it a significant concern for users.

Crypto wallet addresses are integral to blockchain transactions: without one, it would be impossible to distinguish between accounts! Much like your account number is a unique identifier for your bank account, a blockchain address is a unique identifier for your crypto account. 

But it’s not as simple as that. Your blockchain address is actually a little different from a bank account number. 

So, what exactly is a blockchain address, and how does it work? In this article, Ledger Academy explains everything you need to know about crypto wallet addresses and how to use them.

What Is A Crypto Wallet Address?

Simply put, a crypto wallet address is a unique string of characters used to send and receive cryptocurrencies. It identifies your account on the blockchain, allowing others to find your account and send you digital assets. It’s also an important tool for sending crypto assets too. 

To understand how, let’s look into what a crypto wallet address is for. 

Why Are Crypto Wallet Addresses Important?

A crypto wallet address has one simple job: allowing other blockchain users to find your account. However, there are a few more reasons why crypto wallets are important.

Ownership of Digital Assets

Crypto wallet addresses are controlled by private keys; meaning those that control the private keys have full control over their assets. Without self-custody, without sole control of your private keys, you don’t really own your assets. Custodial solutions, like the wallets centralized exchanges offer, don’t offer you control over your private keys. That means you don’t have your own crypto wallet address. The exchange owns the crypto on the blockchain and simply allows you to use an account on their platform. This allows them the power to control your assets. As such, crypto wallet addresses are an important part of digital asset ownership.

Secure Transactions

Blockchain networks process transactions via nodes. When the nodes verify that the address that initiates the transaction is authentic and contains the funds needed, they process the transaction. Your address is an important part of that process, giving the nodes the necessary information to create new blocks on the chain securely.


On a very basic level, crypto wallet addresses are integral for peer-to-peer transactions to work.

Whenever you send digital assets on the blockchain, you will need a valid crypto wallet address to send it to. Part of the transaction process involves inputting the recipient’s wallet address: this is true whichever way the transaction goes. Remember, blockchain transactions are immutable, so inputting the wallet address correctly is crucial: if you make a mistake, you could lose your funds.


Crypto wallet addresses are often the same across a single network, and if they aren’t, they are typically still compatible with one another. Using a bank account, you might find the rates or transfer time differs depending on which bank you choose. This is not the case with crypto wallet addresses as each participant on a blockchain network is accessing exactly the same network.

How A Crypto Wallet Address Works

A crypto wallet address is derived from your public key. To explain, every blockchain account has a unique key pair comprised of a private key and a public key. The private key grants you control over the account, allowing you to sign transactions. The public key, on the other hand, serves as the account’s unique identifier. 

While the public key and the wallet address essentially contain the same information, the public key is an extremely long number—256 bits (1s and 0s). This lengthy number is translated into a more human-friendly form known as the crypto wallet address to make it easier to record and read.

In summary, your wallet address is a simplified, readable translation of your public key, enabling straightforward transactions and interactions on the blockchain.

Different Types Of Crypto Wallet Addresses

Crypto wallet address formats vary from blockchain to blockchain. Some blockchains even use several different wallet address formats.

Bitcoin Wallet Addresses

Bitcoin wallet addresses have evolved over the years to improve security and transaction efficiency. Let’s take a look at each type of BTC wallet address we’ve come across in this time. 

Legacy or P2PKH Address

Legacy or P2PKH addresses were the first iterations of Bitcoin wallet addresses, and they all begin with ‘1’. These addresses are simple, but often expensive and slow, as their transaction sizes are larger than many newer types of addresses.

Compatibility or P2SH Address

Introduced to support advanced functionalities like multi-signature transactions, P2SH addresses start with ‘3’. They offer enhanced flexibility and security compared to Legacy addresses, allowing more complex transaction scripts.

Segwit or Bech32 Address

Segwit or Bech32 addresses, starting with ‘bc1’, were designed to reduce transaction sizes and fees, improving overall network efficiency. This increased efficiency allows more transactions to be processed per block, enhancing the overall performance of the Bitcoin network.

Segwit addresses also improve the security and reliability of transactions, minimizing the risk of attackers tampering with signatures via transaction malleability.    

Taproot or BC1P Address

The most recent standard, Taproot or BC1P addresses, starts with ‘bc1p’. Released in 2021, the Taproot upgrade introduced Schnorr Signatures; capable of handling multiple transactions. This helped to enhance privacy and opened up the possibilities of multi-sig and time-locked transactions. Another key benefit of these addresses is that they can execute more complex functionalities due to their smaller transaction size and less limited approach to script data. They are also the only type of Bitcoin wallet addresses that can manage alternative Bitcoin assets such as Bitcoin Ordinals and rare sats.

Ethereum Wallet Addresses

An Ethereum wallet address is a 42-character hexadecimal string, starting with ‘0x’, that serves as a unique identifier for an account on the Ethereum network. This address is essential for sending and receiving Ether (ETH) and interacting with smart contracts.

Ethereum was the first network to introduce self-executing smart contracts thanks to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The EVM is a virtual computer that can read and execute tasks when certain conditions are met without the need for a middleman. 

And while it was designed for the Ethereum network, many blockchains use the EVM today. As a result, Ethereum wallet addresses on EVM chains inherit the same hexadecimal format beginning with 0x. 

This standardization also has a few perks. For example, you can use the same address across multiple chains, which makes managing your assets with a single wallet simple. Plus, it allows for interoperability: bridging assets between chains is much easier with standardized addresses and executable functions.

Some of the most popular EVM chains using this format include:

Polygon (formerly Matic Network)

Polygon is an Ethereum sidechain that provides scalable, secure, and ultra-fast transactions. Its native coin is MATIC. But as an Ethereum sidechain, you can also use Polygon to bridge assets back and forth from the Ethereum mainnet to benefit from Polygon’s lower fees and faster transaction speeds.


Base is built on the OP Stack, an SDK created by Optimism, an Ethereum L2 scaling solution. Optimism uses optimistic rollups to improve Ethereum’s scalability by executing transactions off-chain and bundling them into a single transaction on the mainnet.

As Base is built on the OP Stack, it inherits Ethereum’s security and wallet structure. This means that Base benefits from Ethereum’s security while processing transactions separately from the L1 itself, allowing for faster and cheaper transactions. 

Additionally, users can interact with Base using the same wallets they use for Ethereum, such as MetaMask or hardware wallets like Ledger, making it easier for users to adopt and use Base without learning new wallet systems.


Arbitrum is another Ethereum layer 2 chain that uses blockchain rollups to settle transactions quicker and cheaper than on the Ethereum mainnet. While it comprises a few separate blockchains, such as Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Nova, the Arbitrum ecosystem is built upon Ethereum’s base, meaning all of its chains inherit the same crypto wallet address format.

Other Types Of Crypto Addresses

Other examples of crypto wallet addresses refer to addresses on different kinds of blockchains. For example,  Litecoin addresses start with ‘L’ or ‘M’, depending on the type. Ripple (XRP) addresses, on the other hand, begin with ‘r’. Bitcoin Cash addresses may start with ‘q’, ‘p’, or ‘3’ (similar to some Bitcoin formats). These variations highlight the unique address formats across different cryptocurrencies.

How To Create and Use a Crypto Wallet Address

To create a crypto wallet address, there are 5 key steps:

  1. Choose the right type of wallet

Firstly, you must choose the right type of wallet for your needs. To keep your digital assets secure, you will need a hardware wallet, such as a Ledger device. Then, if you need to access specific platforms or marketplaces, you may need to set up a software wallet compatible with your device, such as Metamask or Phantom.

  1. Get your wallet

You should always make sure you purchase your crypto wallet from reputable manufacturers and authorized resellers. If you need a software wallet, ensure that you download it from a reputable provider. Using wallets created with malicious intent could pose a risk to your assets.

  1. Set up your wallet

Initiating the setup on either your hardware or software wallet, you will be presented with a seed phrase, also known as a secret recovery phrase. This is like the master key to all of the accounts you will make with that wallet. 

Once you have recorded the seed phrase, you can generate your first account. The process of generating a new account differs from wallet to wallet, as some wallets support multiple chains, and most wallets allow you to generate a near-infinite number of accounts. 

Each new account you create will have its own unique crypto wallet address.

  1. Buy crypto

To use your new crypto wallet address, you will need to fill it with some cryptocurrency. If you’re using a Ledger crypto wallet, you can access a range of different Buy providers directly through Ledger Live—without losing custody of your assets.

However, if you’re using a centralized exchange to buy crypto it’s recommended that you transfer valuable assets to a non-custodial wallet address, such as those hardware and software wallets offer.

  1. Explore and use

Your wallet address is the key to exploring the blockchain ecosystem, including sending and receiving digital assets and interacting with decentralized applications (DApps). It’s kind of like a digital passport: use it to explore metaverses, purchase, and own digital art, enroll in web3 education, trade crypto, and more!

Safety Tips For Using Crypto Wallet Addresses

Implementing best practices when using crypto wallet addresses is crucial for safeguarding your assets. Sending cryptocurrency to the wrong address can lead to a permanent loss of funds, making it essential to handle crypto wallet addresses with care.

Double-Check Crypto Wallet Addresses Before Signing

Always double-check the recipient’s crypto wallet address before sending any cryptocurrency. Ensure every character matches perfectly, as even a small typo can result in irreversible loss. Use the copy-paste function to avoid manual errors and confirm the address format is correct for the specific cryptocurrency.

Send a Test Transaction

Before transferring large amounts of cryptocurrency, send a small test transaction to verify the recipient’s wallet address. This practice helps verify the accuracy of the recipient’s wallet address, ensuring that your funds are sent to the correct destination. Given the irreversible nature of blockchain transactions, a minor error in entering the crypto wallet address can result in a permanent loss of funds. 

Conducting a small test transaction can confirm that the address is correct and the transaction is processed as expected. Thus, checking that you have entered the correct address can prevent significant losses. It’s much better to lose a little to typing in the incorrect wallet address than a lot.

Use a Web3 Domain 

Another good practice is using a web3 domain. To explain, a web3 domain can help you name your account something more manageable than a long hexadecimal. It allows you to assign a nickname to your account. It’s similar to how DNS can read a web address and show you the page with a corresponding IP address. With a web3 domain, you can use an easy-to-read name instead of a long and complicated crypto wallet address.

For example, instead of using a long Ethereum address like 0x1ABC7154748D1CE5144478CDEB574AE244B939B5, you can use a more readable and memorable name like “mywallet.eth”. 

This simplifies the process of sending and receiving cryptocurrency and reduces the risk of errors, making crypto transactions more user-friendly. Unstoppable Domains and ENS (Ethereum Name Service) are two popular examples of web3 domain providers on the Ethereum network, but you will also find a range of different providers on different networks.

Use a Credible Wallet

Credible wallets generate wallet addresses securely, ensuring that it is impossible to derive your private key from the public key or wallet address. However, if a wallet does not generate this information securely, an attacker could guess your private key and gain unauthorized access to your account. 

Ledger crypto wallet offer uncompromising security. They generate the entropy, the base of your seed phrase, randomly using a true random number generator (TRNG); which makes it very secure. Ledger crypto wallet also stores private keys offline in a Secure Element chip, a chip-resistant to physical hacking, and drives their screens with that secure chip. This guarantees that what you see is what you sign. 

Concluding Thoughts on Crypto Wallet Addresses

Crypto wallet addresses are one of the most crucial elements of web3 when ensuring that you can manage and secure your digital assets effectively. Ledger crypto wallet provide extremely secure wallet addresses for securing crypto. Thanks to Ledger’s offline storage in a Secure Element chip, it’s custom OS BOLOS, secure screen, and expert testing, it’s resistant to remote and physical hacking. Users’ private keys are kept in a tamper-proof secure element chip and never exposed. Plus, transactions must be physically confirmed on the device, ensuring only the owner can access funds. 

Whether you are sending, receiving, or protecting your digital assets, the Ledger ecosystem gives you the power to manage them with security and self-custody. After all, not your keys, not your coins. So get a Ledger crypto wallet! With Ledger, you’re in control. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Crypto Wallet Addresses

Is My Public Key the Same as My Wallet Address?

No, your crypto wallet address is a translated version of your public key that is easier to record and share. They contain the same information, but your public key is just 1s and 0s in its raw form, which is not very user-friendly. 

How Many Wallet Addresses Can I Have?

Most wallets allow you to generate a near-infinite number of wallet addresses. Thanks to BIP-32 and BIP-39, today most wallets follow a hierarchical deterministic (HD) structure and allow you to restore your accounts with a single seed phrase. 

In short, if you use any modern hardware or software wallet, you can generate as many wallet addresses as you like.

Can I Share My Wallet Address Publicly?

Yes, it is safe to share your wallet address publicly, as it only allows others to send cryptocurrency to your wallet. However, never share your private key.

Can Someone Steal My Cryptocurrency if They Have My Wallet Address?

No, knowing your crypto wallet address alone does not grant access to your funds. 

Can I Use the Same Address for Multiple Transactions?

Yes, you can use the same address for multiple transactions, but generating a new address for each transaction can help keep your transaction history private since blockchain transactions are public.

What Happens if You Send Crypto to the Wrong Address?

If you send cryptocurrency to the wrong address, the transaction is irreversible, and the funds are likely lost permanently. Always double-check the recipient’s address before sending.

What should I do if I send cryptocurrency to the wrong wallet address?

Since blockchain transactions are permanent and immutable, your best bet is to contact the owner of the crypto wallet address you sent the funds. You can often use a wallet address’s transaction history on a block explorer to find the user’s social media accounts. You can even use a service that processes on-chain messages. Sometimes the crypto community is kinder than you think, and in some cases mistakenly sent funds are sent back in good faith.

Can I Change My Crypto Wallet Address?

You cannot change an existing crypto wallet address, but you can generate a new one and send your assets there. Most crypto wallets allow you to generate multiple addresses so managing additional wallet addresses is easy.

How Long Can a Wallet Address Be Inactive?

A crypto wallet address can remain inactive indefinitely. As long as you have access to the private key, you can use the address at any time. Some early wallet addresses containing significant amounts of Bitcoin have been inactive for some time!

Can I Use the Same Address for Multiple Transactions?

Yes, you can use the same address for multiple transactions, but generating a new address for each transaction can help you keep your transaction history private.

Why Does My Wallet Address Keep Changing?

Some wallets automatically generate new addresses for each transaction to enhance privacy and security, making linking transactions to a single address harder. You’ll find this most commonly on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Is It Necessary To Use Different Wallet Addresses for Different Cryptocurrencies?

When using chains that inherit the EVM wallet structure, such as Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, Polygon, and so on, you can use the same crypto wallet addresses on multiple chains. However, plenty of blockchains use wallet address formats that do not follow this structure, such as Bitcoin and Tezos, in which case you will need to generate new addresses. However, with many wallets—Ledger crypto wallet included—you can generate addresses on multiple chains and secure them with a single seed phrase.

Are Wallet Addresses Case-Sensitive?

Most crypto wallet addresses are not case-sensitive but it’s always a good procedure to copy and paste the address to avoid errors.

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