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EP - 35

When Sam Met Pascal : the Ledger x FTX episode


Sam Bankman-Fried

Apr 12, 2022

This is one of those special days On The Ledger. We often hear about crypto moon shots and their stories but it’s not everyday that we get the chance to chat with their creators and learn how they do it. But today we’ve got two of them, so fasten your seatbelts and get ready to pick their brains… Today, as the FTX x Ledger partnership is about to become a reality, we are thrilled to speak with the CEO of FTX and crypto icon, Sam Bankman-Fried, and with Pascal Gauthier, Ledger CEO.
They discuss why the hardest part in trading in crypto has to do with… fiat and how to bring “the most velocity” in crypto space, how important hardware is and will be in the future, how to raise money and, most importantly, how to spend it. This is On the Ledger, the “FTX meets Ledger”, a.k.a. the “Sam meets Pascal”, episode.

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