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How to buy Litecoin?
Buy Litecoin securely
How to buy Litecoin the simple, safe, smart way?
Step 1: Select and buy the Ledger hardware wallet of your choice
Step 2: Buy Litecoin directly on the Ledger app from our partner.
Step 1/2
Buy a Ledger hardware wallet to securely store your Litecoin
When you want to invest in crypto, 2 things really matter: security and ownership of your coins.
A hardware wallet is the best way to secure your crypto while managing it on your own – your crypto, totally accessible and secure.
Step 2/2
Buy Litecoin directly on Ledger Live app.
Ledger Live app lets you manage your crypto and access key services: buy Litecoin from our partner Coinify and secure it directly with your hardware wallet.
The app provides you with Litecoin price information and lets you buy Litecoin (LTC) by Credit Card or Bank Transfer. Once bought, your Litecoin will be automatically sent by Coinify to your hardware wallet and secured.
You can also buy Litecoin on other plateforms and then secure it with your hardware wallet.
Securely manage your Litecoin and more.
Ledger is your gateway to buy, store and manage your Litecoin securely. Our solution lets you securely manage your Litecoin and more than 1800 different assets in one single app.

Buy Litecoin and store them with the leader in crypto security
Ledger offers the best security for your crypto: your assets always remain safe and in your control.
One place for all your crypto. Our hardware wallets are compatible with more than 1800 different assets, including Litecoin.
By combining a hardware wallet with an app, Ledger gives you full control over your crypto and lets you access all key services securely: manage, buy, swap your crypto – and more. You are in charge.
Why consider a hardware wallet when buying crypto
A Litecoin wallet helps you protect your private key, not just storing your Litecoin. If you are fairly new to cryptocurrencies you might still be struggling with the concept of private key and why it’s so important. Perhaps you just get into cryptocurrency by purchasing coins on an exchange platform but didn’t even realize that they hold the private keys to your cryptocurrency.
When you own cryptocurrencies, what you really own is a private key, a critical piece of information used to authorize outgoing transactions on the blockchain network. Holding the private keys gives you access to your crypto, like holding a pin code to your debit card; in short it gives you access to your funds.
« If you are keeping your crypto assets on an exchange, you are entrusting a third party with these private keys and mandating them to serve as a safeguard. »
Being a crypto investor requires taking security seriously and owning your private keys gives you much more power and control. The main principle behind hardware wallets is to provide full isolation between the private keys and your easy-to-hack computer or smartphone. The only people you can trust for storing your crypto assets is yourself.
How to manage your Litecoin (LTC)

Ledger Live
Directly manage your Litecoin with Ledger Live.
Ledger hardware wallet keeps your Litecoin safe, and Ledger Live app lets you directly manage your assets: buy, send, receive, or grow your LTC in one single app. More than 1800 crypto assets supported.
Crypto supported
Buy and securely manage Litecoin (LTC) and more crypto with Ledger
What is Litecoin (LTC) ?
Often called the silver to Bitcoin’s gold, Litecoin is a fork of the Bitcoin protocol created by Charlie Lee and released on October 7th, 2011. A former Google employee, Lee was one of the first to officially fork the Bitcoin protocol and attempt to optimize it by changing ‘consensus rules’ of the blockchain such as the block time, which he converted from 10 minutes to 2.5 minutes.