Algorand price today

The price of Algorand (THETA) today is $2.85, which has a variation of 1.99% over the last 24 hours. The 24 Hour Trading Volume of Algorand is $247,900,854

Algorand Market Cap

The current Market Cap ranking of THETA is #63, with a live market cap of $2,852,350,745.

What is the Algorand all time high?

Algorand hit an all time high of $15.72.

With a price of $2.85 today, Algorand (THETA) is -81.87% from all time high.

What is the Algorand all time low?

Algorand had an all time low of $0.040400.

With a price of $2.85 today, Algorand (THETA) is 6,954.49% from all time low.