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Swap Bitcoin through Ledger
Exchange Bitcoin for another crypto
Swapping crypto allows you to easily exchange one crypto asset for another, either in full or small amounts.
With no fiat currencies involved. It’s a fast and easy way to diversify your portfolio and grow your assets.
How Swap works?

Ledger, the gateway to exchange one crypto for another securely
Powered by our partners
Industry-leading security
Easily exchange one crypto for another in a secure environment using your Ledger hardware wallet.
Freedom of choice
With our partners, you choose who to swap with, and how to do it. You’re in control.
Everything in one place
Ledger is the gateway to exchange crypto securely, and so much more: buy, sell, grow…all in one app!
Eligibility & Procedure:
Due to different regulations, this feature is not available in some countries.
Crypto to swap with Ledger
Exchange your Bitcoin for Ethereum, USDT, Aave and more than 200 coins & tokens.
Safely exchange your Bitcoin (BTC) through Ledger
Buy and set up your hardware wallet
Ledger hardware wallets are the smartest way to securely swap your Bitcoin (BTC). Use Ledger Live to install the applications of the 2+ coins you want to exchange.
Prepare your swap
In the Ledger Live app Swap tab, select Bitcoin (BTC) and the accounts of origin and destination. Enter the amount you want to exchange and check the rate.
Verify and confirm on your hardware wallet
Before confirming the swap, you’ll see a summary on Ledger Live. After verifying the information on your Ledger hardware wallet, you can confirm to swap Bitcoin (BTC).